日前,汤森路透首次发布了前沿研究、科研管理与科学政策制定的相关报告:《2013研究前沿:科学与社科领域的百强研究》(Research Fronts 2013: 100 Top Ranked Specialties in the Sciences and Social Sciences)。报告中列出了当前十大前沿研究领域,以及每个领域中排名前十的重点研究。这次公布的研究,也可能成为2013年度科学与社科领域的重点。
农业、植物与动物科学(Agriculture, Plant and Animal Sciences)
生态学与环境科学(Ecology and Environmental Sciences)
临床医学(Clinical Medicine)
生物科学(Biological Sciences)
化学与材料科学(Chemistry and Materials Science)
天文学与天体物理学(Astronomy and Astrophysics)
数学、计算科学与工程学(Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering)
经济学、心理学和其他社会科学(Economics, Psychology and Other Social Sciences)
生物科学(Biological Sciences)领域中排名前十的重点研究如下:
RANK | research fronts | core papers | citations | mean year of core papers |
1 | DNA methylation analysis and missing heritability | 25 | 3,153 | 2011 |
2 | Toxicity of amyloid beta (Aβ) oligomers in Alzheimer’s disease | 45 | 2,588 | 2010.6 |
3 | Differentiation and function of follicular helper CD4 T cells (TFH) | 38 | 2760 | 2010.5 |
4 | Human beta(2) adrenergic G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) | 44 | 6261 | 2010.4 |
5 | Linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex and activation of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) | 43 | 3,749 | 2010.4 |
6 | Lgr5 receptor-expressing intestinal stem cells | 23 | 2,699 | 2010.3 |
7 | TET mutations, reduction of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC), and malignancy | 45 | 6,112 | 2010.2 |
8 | Inhibition of TO R (Target Of Rapamycin) signaling, increased lifespan, and diseases of aging | 30 | 3,152 | 2010.1 |
9 | HIV-1 Vpu and Vpx proteins and restriction factors SAMHD1 and BST -2/Tetherin | 48 | 3,760 | 2009.9 |
10 | Mitochondrial sirtuins and regulation of metabolism | 32 | 3,395 | 2009.9 |
RANK research fronts core citations mean year of 1 Impact of climate change on food crops 32 1537 2010 2 Comprehensive classification of fungi based on molecular evolutionary analysis 18 1374 2010 3 Arabidopsis chloroplast RnA editing 46 2578 2009.9 4 Jasmonate biosynthesis and signaling 33 2548 2009.9 5 oomycete RXlR effectors and suppression of plant immunity 47 2340 2009.7 6 Angiosperm phylogeny group classification 34 2259 2009.7 7 methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (mRsA) in livestock 17 1071 2009.7 8 genomic selection and estimated breeding values 39 2281 2009.6 9 honey bee colony collapse disorder and Nosema ceranae 30 1718 2009.6 10 insect resistance to transgenic crops producing bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) toxins for pest control 22 1134 2009.6 RANK research fronts core citations mean year of 1 ocean acidification and marine ecosystems 45 3653 2009.6 2 biodiversity and functional ecosystems 43 3139 2009.5 3 mangrove forests and climate change 16 1121 2009.5 4 models and impacts of land-use change 18 2318 2009.4 5 biochar amendment techniques and effects 41 2300 2009.4 6 Adaptive evolution in invasive species and approximate bayesian computation 19 1255 2009.4 7 Chytridiomycosis and large-scale amphibian population extinctions 13 1003 2009.3 8 Pharmaceutical residues in environmental water and wastewater 50 3815 2009.1 9 Community ecology and phylogenetic comparative biology 20 1,799 2009.1 10 Climate warming, altered thermal niches, and species impact 14 1,244 2009.1 RANK research fronts core citations mean year of 1 transcatheter aortic valve implantation 50 2818 2011 2 Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome and complement activation 36 1939 2010.6 3 Acquired bRAf inhibitor resistance in metastatic melanoma 36 4777 2010.5 4 idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and randomized placebo-controlled drugtrials 38 2269 2010.5 5 Pathology and treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease 34 1978 2010.5 6 Chemotherapy with and without bevacizumab for heR2-negativebreast cancer 14 1909 2010.5 7 brentuximab vedotin for refractory and relapsed hodgkin’s lymphoma 23 2001 2010.4 8 il28b polymorphisms and treatment response in hepatitis C patients 47 5172 2010.3 9 Anaplastic lymphoma kinase (AlK) inhibition in non-small cell lung cancer 46 3716 2010.3 10 global, national, and regional assessments of maternal, newborn, and child health 42 2640 2010.3
农业、植物与动物科学(Agriculture, Plant and Animal Sciences)领域中排名前十的重点研究如下:
位列三甲的分别为: DNA甲基化与丢失遗传性研究、阿尔茨海默症的β淀粉样蛋白(Aβ)、滤泡辅助性CD4 T细胞(TFH)的分化和功能。
core papers
生态学与环境科学(Ecology and Environmental Sciences)领域中排名前十的重点研究如下:
core papers
临床医学(Clinical Medicine)领域中排名前十的重点研究如下:
core papers